Location & Parking323 West Main Street
Lansdale, PA 19446 Our store hours are by appointment. We may close if there are no reservation booked during that time. If you would like a same day appointment, just give us a call or shoot us an email. We are conveniently located on Main Street, just off the corner of Wood & Main Street in Lansdale, PA. The parking available immediately around our location is metered parking, some take quarters and some run on Park Mobile kiosks. The meters are free from 12pm- 2pm on weekends, weekdays, and during major Lansdale Events. Parking can be tricky on nights & weekends. Try Madison Street (runs parallel to Main behind our building) for metered kiosk parking or (Park Mobil) parking. There are a few handicapped spots available on Madison Street. Not familiar with Lansdale? Check out this interactive map
Pictures from our Lansdale, PA store. |